Award (Best Presenter) ICCC-2022 :

International Conference on Climate  Change 



Award for Professional-

 Bhupendra Bahadur Singh

(Title – Relation between rainfall and soil moisture variability during dry and wet extremes over core monsoon zone of India)

  1. Mohan Kumar Das

(Title – Future Floods in Bangladesh under different Global Warming Scenarios)

  1. Nachiketa Acharya

(Title – Hybrid Prediction (Statistical/Dynamical) Scheme for Bay of Bengal Cyclone Season Activity)


Award for Students-

  1. Saifur Rahman

(Title – Change in crop water requirement and yield of Boro rice in Mymensingh under future climatic condition)

  1. Ishrar Tahmin Anika

(Title – Use of Geographic Information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS) in Flood Management)