List of Ongoing Researches at Department of Meteorology
Research Title |
Rainfall-runoff Modeling in the Northern Part of Meghna Basin |
A Study on the relationship between Lightning Activity and cloud micro-physical properties using numerical model |
Simulation of Storm Surge Disasters in Bangladesh using NWP Models |
Investigation of meteorological parameters impacts on maize production |
Impact of weather on Rainfed Aus Rice production in Bangladesh |
Dynamic Downscaling for Rainfall Projection over Bangladesh Using RegCM4.7 |
Climate Change Analysis for Bangladesh Using CMIP5 Models |
Prediction of Rainfall Induced Landslide in Bangladesh |
A Study on Thunderstorm Forecasting Based on Atmospheric Instability Indices over Bangladesh Using WRF-ARW Model. |
Impacts of Radiance Data Assimilation of Extreme Hailstorm Events over Bangladesh |
Monsoon Flood Forecasting over Bangladesh |
Analysis of Vorticity Indices for Cyclone Track and Intensity Prediction using WRF-ARW Model |
Study the Impact of SST on Tropical Cyclone over North Indian Ocean |
Simulation of Fog Event using the WRF Model and Validation with METAR and RS Data |
Growing Degree Days and Heat Use Efficiency on Yield and Yield Components of Wheat Varieties Grown at Different sowing dates |
Study of temperature variation on productivity of wheat in Bangladesh |
Numerical Assessment of Clean Air Turbulence in Upper Atmosphere |
Simulation of Future Climate Projection over Bangladesh using RegCM Model |
Projection of Extreme Precipitation And its Impact on Agricultural Productivity in the Northern Belt of Bangladesh Using CMIP6 |
Study of Western Disturbance and Associated Weather over Bangladesh using the WRF Model and Satellite Image |
Performance of Convective Schemes in the Simulation of Summer Monsoon Weather Systems using RegCM 4.7 Model |
Prediction of Monsoon Rainfall over Bangladesh Using Climate Predictability Tool (CPT) |
Study on Application of NWP Model in Mitigation of Aviation Hazard |
Study of Arrival and Withdrawal of Southwest Summer Monsoon over Bangladesh and Their Impacts on Agriculture |
Predicting the Recurvature of Tropical Cyclones in Bay of Bengal Using Numerical Weather Prediction Models |
Sensitivity of Boundary Layer Meteorology and Radiation Layer Meteorology for the Prediction of Heat Wave Events in Bangladesh |
Sensitivity for dust simulation in Dhaka city using WRF-Chem |
Study on Water Vapor, Temperature and Wind Profiles Under Different Population Densities of Maize |
The Effect of Vapor Pressure Deficit on Transpiration of Boro Rice Under Irrigation Regimes |
Study on Microclimatic Profiles Under Population Densities of Boro Rice |
Effect of Relative Humidity on Photosynthesis and Transpiration Affecting Yield of Maize |
Canopy Modifications Effect by Leaf Clipping on Apparent Photosynthesis and Grain Yield of Maize |